Friday, December 30, 2022

High on sandwiches

ഇവിടെ എത്തിയതിനു ശേഷം ഇവിടങ്ങളിൽ നിയമപരമായി അനുവധിച്ചിട്ടുള്ള ഇല (സാൻഡ്വിവിച്ചസ് എന്ന് അപരനാമം from HIMYM) ഒന്ന് രുചിച്ചു നോക്കി. ചോക്ലേറ്റ്, മുട്ടായി , ബിസ്ക്കറ്റ് എന്നിങ്ങനെ നല്ല ടേസ്റ്റിൽ ഇറക്കുന്നത് കൊണ്ട് തന്നെ ഞാൻ തൽപര ആയിരുന്നു. സമയമെടുത്ത് മെല്ലെ കേറ്റുന്നതിനു പകരം പൊടുന്നനെ തന്നെ ഒരു 5x 5mg സാൻഡ് വിച്ചസ് കേറ്റി.

രണ്ട് മണിക്കൂർ 'എനിക്ക് ഒന്നും ആയില്ല' എന്ന് പലവട്ടം പറയവെ മെല്ലെ ഭൂമി തിരിയാൻ തുടങ്ങി. ഞാനും പങ്കാളിയും ചിരിക്കുന്നു പിന്നേം ചിരിക്കുന്നു. ഭൂമി പക്ഷെ അപ്പോഴും തിരിയുകയായിരുന്നു. എന്തൊകെയോ രണ്ടാളും പറയുന്നുണ്ട്... പക്ഷെ ഉസ്ക്കൂൾ കലോത്സവും ഉക്രൈൻ അധിനിവേശവും തമ്മിൽ കൂട്ടി കലർന്ന പോലെ... ഉറങ്ങാൻ പറ്റുന്നില്ല ആരോ ഉണരാൻ പറയന്നു... പിന്നെ കട്ടിൽ തിരിഞ്ഞു തുടങ്ങി... കൂടെ പങ്കാളിയും ... ചതിച്ചാശേേനേ... 
ഞാൻ നിലയില്ലാതെ കരയാൻ തുടങ്ങി... വണ്ടർലാ യിലെ 360 ഡിഗ്രി തിരിയുന്ന സ്പേസ് റൈഡിൽ നിർബന്ധിച്ചു ഇരുത്തിയ പോലെ ... എങ്ങനെ എങ്കിലും നിലത്ത് വീഴണം കറങ്ങാണ്ടെ കിടക്കണം ഒന്ന് മൂത്രമൊഴിക്കണം... ബോധം പോയിരുന്നെങ്കിൽ എന്ന് ആശിച്ച സമയം - പക്ഷെ ബോഡി പറയുന്നു ഭക്ഷണം വേണമെന്ന് ... ഫ്രയ്ഡ് റൈസ് വന്നു ചിക്കൻ വന്നു പിസ വന്നു... വയർ നിറയുന്നില്ല തല നിൽക്കുന്നില്ല... വീട്ടിൽ തണുപ്പ് 10 ഡിഗ്രി ആയിരുന്നെങ്കിലും ബോഡി ഉഷ്ണിച്ചു കൊണ്ടേ ഇരുന്നു... വിയർപ്പിനു വരെ സാൻഡ് വിച്ചിന്റെ മണം.
ധമനികൾ അമർന്നു തുടങ്ങി... എങ്ങനെയോ നിറങ്ങളുടെ ലോകത്തേക്ക് കണ്ണുകളടച്ചു...  മായ ...
വെള്ളം (>6 ലിറ്റർ), ഭക്ഷണം (8 തവണ), തണുത്ത വെള്ളം നിറച്ച ബാത്ത് ടബ്ബിൽ കിടത്തം (2 തവണ), ബാക്കി സമയം വെറുതെ കിടക്കുക: ഇതായിരുന്നു പിന്നത്തെ രണ്ട് ദിവസത്തെ ദിനചര്യ.

പിന്നത്തെ വീക്കെന്റിൽ പങ്കാളി പറഞ്ഞു -
'അളിയാ ഒരെണ്ണം ഉണ്ടാ എടുക്കാൻ ? എനിക്ക് ഒന്നും ആയില്ല '
ഞാൻ പറഞ്ഞു 'എനിക്ക് എല്ലാം ആയി. തിറുപ്പ്ത്തി ആയി'

Monday, April 27, 2020

Break The Chain

We need to learn
how to love
not just family and friends
but more strangers

We need to learn
how to share
not just in social media
but more in supermarkets

We need to learn
how to keep hygiene
not just in physical health
but more in mental thoughts

We need to learn
how to pursue
some of this new lifestyle
for a better earth

We need to
We must

it is not about survival anymore
it is not about the last person stand on earth
just to die alone

A world war, asteroid hit, or X factor
nothing crucial is needed
for our extinction
but  just we stop loving each other

so lets learn to love
break this chain

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Who is the strongest politician in your home?

With the increasing disputes and ongoing tension of breaking relationships within four types of my families, it become crucial for my mother to emotionally blackmail me and try to pretend that nothing is wrong and everyone shooting for a perfect pitch with around 70 close relatives.
Then it made me thinking; even I want to try and stay apolitical, I am definitely in for a 'Family Politics'.
What is family politics??? tried googling and ended up with Rahul Gandhi, Trump and few UK royalties. huh! even google don't want to shout it out!
Especially in India, family is kind of the primeval political world with a strong influence from religion. Many try to form different parties with their ideologies and few stand to hold the sh*t together as moderators. You can't just ignore all those politicians inside the family and make your own choices because some will have a trojan horse under their sleeves ready to be played, thus creating a catastrophic effect and will be soon reported in the daily news of localhood.
But strange fact is that, amidst this, we can quite clearly see those who claim to be neutral on matters but happy to give support and comments for your photo in social websites. I strongly feel they simply lack the courage to stand up for what is right and wrong. Instead they are happy to see the wounded man walks even though they know how much it is infecting his entire body. They feel they are also a form of moderators mending wound by watching it carefully, but in fact they are only just paying attention nothing else. I want to award them the greatest politicians in the history of my family. Only supporting awards for leaders of the all parties in my family, which includes me as!
I can't blame myself for entering into this system since I have seen, understood, and trained to be part of this bureaucratic delusions from my childhood, as most of us. Like one of the malayalam film actress mentioned getting one sardine fry less in childhood, see it as a 100 percent political move. Who ever showing that partiality in a family has some ultimate motive behind it or living on a ideology which they are forced to believe in. Protests against equality and nurturing male chauvinism inside each family can ensure finally the worst future of that country.

All said well, I truly wish for a fairy tale of ending family politics and it must say- 

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Bigfoot to Reality

Just self realised and analysed these myths into what I feel is correct. 
Qualification to write this Relationship goals post:
An experiencer of 12 years of best friendships, 5 year of full on live in relationship, and 2.5 year of marriage ;)

Love at first sight???
If you get a feel with first sight, its purely attraction or lust, not love.
A person falling in love with someone in a single glance is beyond my imagination and successful only in commercial films.
Love is something that tends to grow for a particular person eventually. For that, one should see both good and bad side of that person. Still you want to be with that person, then its Love. Else ctrl+alt+delete.
He/She completes you???
I have seen many keeping weird expectations in relationships. A love or lover is not something that should complete your wishes. It is your purpose to achieve your dreams and any form of lover should only kept for mental aid and encouragement to chase it. Without self-love, a person can never truly love other person. You completes You.
Romance is the success strategy of a relationship???
Attraction and lust for your partner fade eventually over the years of aging. Then what keeps a relationship strong? compatibility is the sole key for that. I strongly feel having the ability to share and listen can increase the compatibility mode. Quoted somehwere before 'falling in love is a subtle process, a connection sparked by attraction, tested by compatibility and forged by memories.'

Saturday, February 15, 2020

The Devil I Believe in, wears Kurta Legging...Hell!

It all started when I posted a crazy quote in my fb and it goes like this: 'Religion is just a hidden 'Nuclear Weapon' among people'.. You would say it's a lie if I say I don't remember who said it, because one can't seem to escape from the google search bar! but unfortunately I don't remember 😝

I was peacefully having my lunch in cafeteria when my fellow colleague decided to dig that status deeper and the conversation follow like this:

Fellow: So you don't believe in religion god and stuff?
Me: No religion but of'course I believe in God because being a super Marvel fan technically means I am a super natural well-wisher even though intentions of Gods sometime needs to be questioned😉 (In thoughts: no idea if he/she meant 'the stuff' by saying stuff😆)

Fellow: it's not good to make fun when God has given you all these happiness around you. One day you will come to the real sense when you get his wrath for this arrogance.
Me (not understanding whether it's a curse or an advice): That's why I strongly believe in the existence of Devil.
Fellow (Confused): huh?
Me: Do you believe in devil?
Fellow: Yes, there are two sides for every coin.
Me: Correct! when in the time of your so said God's wrath, I can assure that all my bad behavior is Devil's play not the pure Me's fault.

(I fled from the scene)


Isn't that correct? We Indian homo sapiens need all bad things happening around us to be aligned with black magic, evil eye, evil spirit's play, wrong alignment of planets (per individual person) and what not! So technically what we are looking for is something(thing/person/super natural system) worse than us. If you manage to get that blaming point, then you are in for a jackpot because nobody can blame the pure You. 
So for me, I can't think of so many idiotic propositions but an easy one and that's Devil... All my selfish deeds, arrogance, evil thoughts (add to cart more) are not from the real me; simply the manipulation of Lucifer. He is the one to blame (for your future reference). It is simple, effective and very functional even on a master's degree techie. Education doesn't promise common sense apparently.

All said well, yet in razor-sharp realism my God and Devil are all me. Its my whiz and ticker that decide how to make a chance/moment to positive or negative, good or bad, hero or black sheep. Pushing blame on something or showing fearful faith on someone can shrivel your existence in this tiny orb. 
So if I take a closer look in mirror I can see the devil I believe in, wearing a Kurta and Legging 👿


Monday, October 20, 2014

What is SIMPLE?????

Today after a long time I am back in my blog to find out what is SIMPLE !

antonyms:difficult, hard, demanding, complicated, complex

Instead of making "Simple" choice I went for Engineering... So does that implies "Hard" for me???

Instead of agreeing "Simply" for the love marriage parents stand firm for a new arrange marriage... So does that implies "Complicated" for them???

Instead of drinking, it would have been "Simpler" if he had decided to live happily with my family... So does that implies it was "Difficult" for him???

Instead of being around with critics, "Simpleton" person would have been comfortable...So does that implies we are "Demanding"??? 

Instead of leading a "Simplest" life, we are running for more and more... So does that make us "Complex"???

Instead of ignoring, trying to mend a relation will "Simplify" it???

Instead of saying 'I'm not sure' long before, don't you think things would have been "Simplified" if you had  said 'Yes, I do'???

So what is that thing keeping us far far away from "Simpleness"???

Now if you say 'I am Simple', Then what is the limits of "Simplicity"???

So if we are neither synonyms nor antonyms of Simple... What are we???

# all started when my fella Kannada friend teased me...for mallus, Simple is "Simble"

Friday, July 27, 2012


യാത്ര മൊഴി....

മറക്കില്ല   ഒരിക്കലും 
മനസിലെ  സൗഹൃദം 
വളര്‍ത്തിയ  മാറാല അണിഞ്ഞ 
എന്‍റെ  ഹോസ്റ്റല്‍ മുറിയെ....

മരവിപ്പാണ്  മനസ്സില്‍ 
ബി ടെക് ഭാണ്ടവും പേറി 
ആ മതില്‍കെട്ടില്‍ നിന്നും 
 നടന്നകന്നപോള്‍  മുതല്‍....

വെറുപ്പാണ് എനിക്കിന്ന് 
ഒരു കൊച്ചു റൂമില്‍ 
ഒരു കൊച്ചു ലോകം തന്നു 
തിരിച്ചെടുത്ത വിധിയോട്....

കിട്ടില്ല എനിക്കിനി 
ആ പൊട്ടിയ ജനാലകള്‍ 
പൊളിഞ്ഞ വാതില്‍ 
 അതിലൂടെ ചിരിച്ചു വരും
എന്‍റെ  സുഹൃത്തുക്കള്‍....

അതിലുമുപരി  വളര്‍ത്തിയിട്ടില്ലേ 
നമ്മള്‍ ബന്ധങ്ങള്‍ 
 ചാലിച്ചില്ലേ  നിമിഷങ്ങള്‍ 
ഹൃദയത്തില്‍ ചോരയോടു കൂടെ ....

ഇന്നു  യാത്ര ചൊല്ലിയപ്പോള്‍ 
അതു  ആയിരം തുള്ളികളായി 
പൊഴിഞ്ഞു പോയി  എന്‍റെ 
കണ്ണില്‍  നിന്നും ....

ഇനി ഒരിക്കലും അതു 
 പോകാം  നമ്മുക്കൊരുമിച്ചു 
ഈ യാത്രയില്‍ ....

വിഫല മാണെന്നോ  അറിയില്ല   
എങ്കിലും പറയാം ഞാന്‍ 
മനസ്സില്‍ കൊതിക്കുന്ന വാക്കുകള്‍ 
"പിരിയില്ല നമ്മള്‍ ഒരിക്കലും...."